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Old August 24th, 2010, 11:04 PM
I have most of this done via a feat that provides an additional feat.

It messes up the experience.

It seems tXP isn't a a changeable item. Is there a better way to reduce LA on a race without this trouble? The XP appeared to be auto corrected, but it is different. It is coming in at 27,000 xp for a Centaur (4HD 2LA) instead of the correct 24,000 xp to buy it off.

Anyone have any idea how to fix this issue?

var rHD as number
var rLA as number
var UALA as number
var reduced as number
var xpcost as number

~ Add to feats allowed
      herofield[tFeats].value += 1

foreach pick in hero from BaseRace
  if (eachpick.field[rHitDice].value > 0) then
    rHD += eachpick.field[rHitDice].value
    rLA += eachpick.field[cLevelAdj].value

rLA -= rHD

UALA = rLA * 3
if (herofield[tLevel].value >= UALA) then
     reduced = 1
     xpcost = (rLA + rHD + UALA - 1) * 1000

debug "UALA"
debug UALA
debug "rLA"
debug rLA
debug "Levels"
debug herofield[tLevel].value

if (rLA = 2) then
     debug "Testing rLA = 2"
     UALA = rLA * 3 + (rLA - 1) * 3
     debug "UALA 2nd round"
     debug UALA
     if (herofield[tLevel].value >= UALA) then
          reduced += 1
          xpcost += (rLA - 1 + rHD + UALA - 1) * 1000

if (rLA = 3) then
     UALA = rLA * 3 + (rLA - 1) * 3 + (rLA - 2) * 3
     if (herofield[tLevel].value >= UALA) then
           reduced += 1
           xpcost += (rLA - 2 + rHD + UALA - 1) * 1000

debug "XP Cost"
debug xpcost
debug "Reduced LA"
debug reduced

~ Reduce Experience
      herofield[tXP].value -= xpcost

~ Reduce Level Adjustment
      herofield[tLevelAdj].value -= reduced
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