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Old March 21st, 2017, 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by MadCartographer View Post

Could you help me with your script?

I am getting the following errors:

Command Line: &(".\RWExport-To-HTML.ps1") -Source 'C:\Users\Lee\Documents\Realm Works\Output\Lerchanth V1.0.rwoutput' -Destination 'D:\Junk\Lerchanth.html' -Sort 2 -SimpleImageScale 0 -SmartImageScale 0 -CSSFileName 'RWExport_091b_095b.css' -Prefix -Suffix -Details -Indent -SeparateSnippets
Reason: InvalidArgument - Cannot convert value "System.Object[]" to type "System.Xml.XmlDocument". Error: "The input document has exceeded a limit set by MaxCharactersInDocument."

Location: Line 1451, Character 7
Script Line: [xml]$RWExportData = Get-Content -Path $Source

My export file size is: 933,015 kb

Any idea?

Suggestion, In your document, can you add the correct command to put your system back to normal? PLEASE!

The command to return this to normal:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser -Force

I used:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted -Scope CurrentUser -Force

Is that correct?
So, I'm still learning about the nuances of github. It was my understanding that if I offered the main github link, it would always lead to the newest branch, but this is the second or third request I've had for an older version, so I'm realizing this isn't the case.

The latest version is 1.5, and that is available here:

I'm looking at the documentation for 1.5, and it does actually have the command to restore the execution policy to restricted, and it is as you've typed. I just downloaded 0.95b (which seems to be the version you're using), and its documentation has the same instruction.

As to the error you're getting, a bit of Googling tells me that the method I'm loading the XML file has a hard-coded limit of 500 MB. Your file is nearly twice this size. There is a suggested work-around, but it could take a bit of time for me to adapt my code, and I would need an appropriately sized file for testing.

Would you be willing to share your .rwexport file via Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, or some other such service?

Also, the best methods to alert me to a support request are to send me a private message on this forum or to send a direct email to the address listed in the documentation.

I don't always check every new message in every new public thread, which is why it's taken me a couple of days to reply. I'm always happy to help, but I didn't realize there was a message here waiting for me.
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