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Old April 20th, 2012, 12:39 PM
You can pull the tags from a list of selections, including special abilities, but just forwarding the tags somewhere might not do it. You have to get them to the right place, and might have to mess with fields as well. It'd probably be a lot of work.

So for example say you have the druid's wild shape class special, and you have set it up to have a selector among whichever races.
On the Class Special you might bootstrap 4 "blank" weapons called wBlank that will be transformed into the natural weapons of the form. You'd also need to mark them so they will be distinguishable from within a script (for example with User.NatAtt1/NatAtt2/etc tags).

Now here is the broad strokes of an example script, off the top of my head and untested:

Script 1
Phase: Whichever Works Priority 100
~ Set the focus to our chosen race

~ Set up a list of variables we might need, including nohide and whatever else

~ Cycle through all the bootstraps on the chosen race, looking for a bite attack.
foreach bootstrap in focus where "IsWeapon.wBite"

~Pull all the tags that we need, like wMain, Crit range, and so on

~Anything field based, for which we have no tags, store in a variable

~ If we have found at least 1 thing, then the weapon bootstrapped should not be hidden.
nohide = 1


~ Now forward all that information gathered from the race's bite attack to our blank weapon. I don't think findchild exists in 3.5, so you will probably have to do another foreach.
foreach bootstrap in this where "IsWeapon.wBlank & User.NatAtt1"
~ Push the tags and set the variables here.

~ If we never found a bite then nohide = 0 and we should hide the blank weapon we work with. Do that here

~ Now delete the tags we pulled, because later eval scripts will be pulling their own and we don't want to confuse them. The variables don't matter because they don't carry over.
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