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Old April 17th, 2006, 06:44 PM
By default, AB uses the folder name as the prefix that it assigns to filenames when saving rosters, squads, and units. If you don't specify a specific prefix, and you change the folder name, those files with the old name will "disappear" from the lists shown by AB.

There are four ways you can fix this:

1. The user can manually rename all saved files to have the new prefix.
2. The user can turn off the prefix filtering within AB via the Settings menu.
3. The user can enter "*" (or "*.*" or "*.rst") within the File Open dialog to force Windows to show all the files, ignoring the prefix.
4. You can specify an explicit value for the prefix. However, if you do this, any rosters saved with the new folder name before (you specify the prefix) will stop appearing. So this approach will be ideal if you haven't released a new set of data files with the changed folder name yet, but it will be of no practical value if you have.

Hope this helps,

At 07:46 AM 4/8/2006, you wrote:

I recently decided that I wanted my data directory to be named "Dark_Age" instead of "DA". When I changed the directory name it caused all of the rosters associated with one .dat files for the game system to not appear (i.e., no squads appear in the "Available Squads" display box). However, the roster associated with the other .dat file appears with no problem.

Note that I changed the directory name (to Dark_Age) in the "Folder" box on the Info screen.
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