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Old January 9th, 2016, 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by AEIOU View Post
Here's my Pathfinder stat block. Cutting and pasting the text from PDFs as a text block was hard for me to follow. It needed a little formatting but I didn't want to do a lot of work over and over.

It's a 1 column, 5 row table with a yellow fill and a header section of a 4 column, 1 row table in the first cell with darker yellow fill. I type the name/XP/CR/HP into the first line and copy/paste info directly from PDF into each of the rows, CTRL-A to select all, change font to Tahoma and I'm done. Super simple to do, presentation is consistent and easy to follow with the advantage that it's also a standard PF stat block.

The stat block is attached to an entry in my bestiary section so I can copy/paste it to other encounters as needed thereafter.

I've standardized this look with red headers, green headers, etc for hazards, traps, poisons, etc.

I'm done playing with formatting as I am happy with this but it took me 1.5 years and a lot of different (more complicated) formats including tags like is being proposed in this thread to realize that those were dead ends (for me).
Using tags like I do works for me. At least until RW implements some kind if stat block set up like you have in your PDF posting.

I have already spent way to much time in learning how to do this and that to make my game easier. It is time to start adding data and using that data instead of trying to learn something new every time just to make it easier. At some point it becomes the thing that is holding me back instead of helping me drive forward.

To be honest tags are probably one of the most useful things in RW right now for everything I need to enter.
Please forgive me, a rant follows.....
There are so many other things that would be cool to have in RW but we don't so we find alternative methods. Honestly though every time someone complains or requests a missing feature it gets shot down with comments that the RW staff are working on other more important things and a bunch of people interject with their workarounds. Which is good but after about a year and a half (from my experience) it makes one wonder if we will ever see any real progress in other useful features for the end user. In the meantime ideas and feature requests keep piling up.

I know the RW staff is short handed and they are working on the "content market", which is what will help make them money. I also somewhat understand the difficulties they face with programming, but after so much time it all begins to look like excuses. At this moment I am wondering if we will ever see a content market much less something like a calendar system and even much more less something like the tags/stat block entries mentioned in this thread.
The only recent feature I know of was they implemented some kind of HTML feature that instigated a bunch of bugs. I assume that has something to do with the content market (at least I hope it did) but I am not sure. If it doesn't have anything to do with the content market then why was it so important?

Regardless, the point of this rant is; How long till we (the end users) actually see the content market or even some kind of progress in the features we request?

GM of HARP, Rolemaster, Spacemaster, Dreamchaser, Savage Worlds, and a myriad of other not so well known systems.
Software I use for gaming: Realm Works, Inspiration Pad Pro, Ebon, Aeon Timeline, Scrivener, Syrinscape, Hexagon, Fantasia Archive, OneNote, and a spreadsheet program.
Mapping programs: CC3+, MapForge, Worldographer, Xara Photo and Graphic Designer 10.
Programming experience: Java and Javascript (Maptools and PDF programming).
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