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Old February 15th, 2010, 12:37 PM
I'm presuming that "Mindset rank 1" and Mindset rank 2" are different pieces of equipment.

What happens if this augmentation is taken without the presence of the other two augmentations? Is that allowed, but you don't get Danger Sense, or should there be a warning if that happens?

Well, Cybernetic eye is easy to test for. In the editor, go to the Pick-reqs button. Add a new pick-req, and select cybernetic eye from that list.

Presuming that mindset rank 1 has a unique ID of "eqCyMinds1" (equipment - cyberware - mindset - 1), here's a pre-req script to test for mindset rank 1 or 2 or 3:

if (hero.childlives[eqCyMinds1] + hero.childlives[eqCyMinds2] + hero.childlives[eqCyMinds3] <> 0) then
@valid = 1
If any of those items have been added to the hero, then hero.childlives[the item's ID] will equal 1. If it's not present, it equals 0. So, adding all those together, and seeing if the sum is not 0 will tell you whether you have one or more mindset things on the character. Replace the unique IDs in my sample script with whatever IDs you gave your mindset items.

If you're allowed to purchase the various pieces of equipment, independant of each other, but you only get the asset if all three are present, that's a bit more complex - say so if that's the case and I'll guide you through that.
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