Thread: SR 5th ed. Creating
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Old May 24th, 2014, 04:21 AM
Yep I've created a character with 450 karma . The problem with the conversion guide is it just assumes your doing it by hand so you transfer attributes over directly. Best advice I can give is just play around with the priorities and advancement to get as close as you can to your character. Remember you have a special tab that will let you adjust things if you can't do it by the current rules e.g. raising an attribute without paying karma. You can always post a character and get feedback on creating it using heroloab. Not sure if you can do that here but I'm sure there are others you could.

As for capped at 6 I assume this is during the initial creation? If so skills can't be raised above 6 (along with other rules e.g. only 1 attribute at maximum or not being able to start as an initiate). When you've made your base character you need to go to the advancement tab and click the lock button which will lock out all the character creation choices and open up the advancement tab (you can toggle back and forth). In advancement you select various options e.g. raise skill, raise attribute, shoot your family etc and it spends the karma and updates your character. For example if you start off with sorcery 6, after you've unlocked advancement you can buy sorcery 7 or spellcasting 7, then 8, then 9 and so on.
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