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Lone Wolf Staff
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Old December 31st, 2019, 09:28 AM
This is a table within the gizmo of that skill?

So be careful as to whether the Skill pick is on the skjill pick itself or the container within the skill - in order for needtag to work, you have to have the tag in the container within the skill - no-where else will be checked. In the debugs, when debugging the skill's tags, scroll down a bit, and there are two more headers to look for in the list - "Gizmo Tags" and "Global Tags".

Here's Shadowrun's script to set up a needtag for skill specialties:

    <eval index="10" phase="Initialize" priority="10000"><![CDATA[
      ~copy our SkillList tags to the gizmo so they can be used for the needtag
      if (isgizmo <> 0) then
        perform gizmo.pushtags[SkillList.?]

        ~tags added to the gizmo are then automatically added to the parent of
        ~that gizmo - but that's where those tags were just pushed from, meaning
        ~that what happens is to duplicate them all.  So, delete the ones on
        ~ourself, then pull the tags from the gizmo.
        perform delete[SkillList.?]
        perform gizmo.pulltags[SkillList.?]
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