Thread: Reveal for GM
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Old May 13th, 2014, 09:01 AM
@lifer4700 .. at the moment, "player" means player, not character.

Individual character revelation was requested earlier, and is "on the radar", but it is not expected to be there when player access is enabled (as far as I recall).

Right now, reveal is "all players" or "no players".

Letting the players access the content independently is the first "big item" the LW team is tackling post initial release. While that will require creating individual player accounts, that does not necessarily mean that player-level revealing of content will be part of it. That is likely to be a "next step" goal of some sort, and they will likely need to make progress on others before it (calendars comes to mind as one that is also in high demand).

As I recall, LW was a bit surprised at how much interest there was for "per-character" revelation.

I would guess that there are some more pieces in the background that need to be added to represent PCs separate from other characters in the content before any character-level revelation could be done, and more work to link those to the appropriate player accounts.

For now, I would advise you to read all references to player access and revelation as being PLAYER not CHARACTER.

EDIT: All advice offered in the spirit of managing expectations.
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