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Old March 24th, 2017, 05:40 PM
Hello EightBlitz!

I have tried out finally the HTML export. Though the help commands did not work for some reason, the GUI was quite easy to use. Thanks for the great work.

I tried to export my realm for testing purposes. I was interested in the mechanics section and did a full "export" (Compact output) and chose a mechanics source file. Changed the policy settings correctly.

I encountered some issues:
1. Script did not finish the convension, due to an unexpected NULL value with a smart image:

Checked the topic in question. It has a smart image tag added which is unedfined, but has a Annotation text. This seems to be the issue. Removing the smart image snippet fixed it.

Command Line: &(".\RWExport-To-HTML.ps1") -Source 'H:\RWExport\Shadowrun 1.rwoutput' -Destination '.\MyRealm.html' -Sort 2 -SimpleImageScale 0 -SmartImageScale 0 -CSSFileName 'RWExport_091b_1.5.css' -Format 'HTML' -Prefix -Suffix -Details -Indent -SeparateSnippets -Force
Reason: InvalidOperation - Es ist nicht möglich, eine Methode für einen Ausdruck aufzurufen, der den NULL hat.

Location: Line 1215, Character 17
Script Line: $SplitFileName = $FileName.split(".")

Topic: Bruderschafts Sektion
Section: Description
Snippet Type: Smart_Image

The same issue appeared in a second attempt with a picture snippet. No picture but annotation text. Removed the snippet to fix the issue.

2. The resulting HTML could be reviewed anyways: German umlaute and special characters don't appear correctly in the browser (äöüß), maybe there should be an option to choose a codepage (or use utf-8) also just a guess atm?

3. I also make extensive use of tables in my realm. The text from tables seems often to be garbled (overwrites itself, however the documentation states that tables are untested / not supported) Example image:

I suppose that here the line breaks need to be triggered somehow, when an end of a cell has been reached.

4. Exporting to word did not work. Following error message was reported:

H:\RWExport\RWExport-To-HTML.ps1 : Das angeforderte Element ist nicht in der Sammlung vorhanden.
In Zeile:1 Zeichen:1
+ &(".\RWExport-To-HTML.ps1") -Source 'H:\RWExport\Shadowrun1.rwoutput' ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: ( [RWExport-To-HTML.ps1], COMException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException,RWExpo rt-To-HTML.ps1

It seems to claim that the input file is not present? However it starts when going for a html file:


That was all for the first export attempt. Thanks again for the effort and great documentation.

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Last edited by Acenoid; March 24th, 2017 at 06:08 PM.
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