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Old May 18th, 2017, 08:19 AM
Alright, sorry it slipped to this morning.

So turns out it was a little more complex than I was remembering (surprise surprise). In order for the Target tag to be automatically used, there also needs to be a Helper.StartBook tag present, but you can't just have that tag be defined as part of the thing because Starting Books aren't available to be purchased. So you need to add that tag in a script, that way you can still buy the book but all the background component scripts get activated.

First 500
      perform assign[Helper.StartBook]
Now, the other part is getting the ability to print out the contents of your spellbook on characters who aren't normally spellbook casters. To handle that, add the following script (copied from the Prayer Book)

Final 10000
      perform hero.assign[Hero.Spellbook]

      foreach pick in gizmo from BaseSpell
        perform eachpick.assign[Spellbook.PrayerBook]
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