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Old July 31st, 2008, 11:43 AM
I am trying to enter a class that gains a feat at a particular level. I've noticed that if I add the feat as I would a special ability, then Hero Lab seems to ignore the level I've specified and adds the feat right at level one. To try and learn more of what I might be missing I have been looking over other character classes.

The Ranger class adds the Endurance feat at 3rd level. To do this, it seems that there is a "Class Special" called cRgrEndur that calls cRgrEndHlp through a bootstrap. cRgrEndHlp does not show up anywhere in the editor that I can find. When I open the srd_class_ranger.dat file, I see that it is a thing that calls a bootstrap to add the fEndure feat. It seems to call a class method to verify the level using (count:Classes.Ranger >= 3).

It seems that this second bootstrap thing is only added through a program editor, not the Hero Lab Datafile editor. Does anyone know if this is the case or if I am missing something? Should I complete my class as best I can and then edit the .dat file to contain these additional bootstraps?

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