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Old February 15th, 2018, 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by Mathias View Post
Is there ever a time that cash is spent? Would you pay for something during the game, but during character creation, it's subtracting from a resource? Or will it always just subtract from the resource?

Subtracting from a resource is handled in eval scripts, not transaction scripts.

Shadowrun only has purchases in advancement mode, so the xactbuy and xactsell scripts have an early

doneif (state.iscreate = 0)
I was mulling over that, and I think that either I won't have any purchases, or I will be dealing with them when adding the Company as a character. The game abstracts out money such that the only person who really has money is the mercenary company itself, and then the individual players "purchase" using the company's money, requiring the players to discuss how they're spending the company money to create a more effective team. Since I don't want to try mixing two character types yet, I am instead just setting it up to accrue these costs so that, when my players field a character, they can just glance up in the corner and say, "OK, until we can sell off the dead guy's stuff, this one is going to cost us 11 Supplies to add in. Count them off of our company's Supply count".

So, short answer, for now, yes, everything is working as accruing expenses for items "bought", before and after advancement. I could probably also handle it without buying or selling, just totaling up the current equipment, but the current method allows for a bit more freedom for doing things like having the mercs haggle to buy equipment more cheaply, or sell it for more than a small fraction of its value, or being able to delete an entry after all of its uses are up, and not get those Supplies back.

Originally Posted by Mathias View Post
Also, check the component="" on the table - if two tables have different components, and those components have different transaction elements defined, then the two tables will end up with different behaviors - each using the behavior from the component it's tied to.
Hmm... that could be the issue. After writing a long post with code quotes about why I didn't think that was the case, I realized that indeed, the Equipment / Ammunition tables were quoting their Components directly rather than using "Gear" and then restricting choices via the "<list>" element. Thanks!
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