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Old September 5th, 2009, 08:05 PM
I am doing a class special that sets unarmed strike damage to be 1d8 at 1st and 2nd level, and 1d10 at 3rd level. If the character already has damage equal to that, the damage dice is bumped up one level. I looked at the monk example and decided to do this with 2 separate eval scripts. There is no error on compile, but the damage is not changing. Here they are:

Post Levels (Users) 5000
~ Calculate our total level
var level as number
level = field[xTotalLev].value

~ Get our unarmed strike pick, delete the damage tag from it, and assign a new damage tag.
var result as number
var dice as string
if (level < 3) then
if (hero.child[wUnarmed].tagis[wMain.1d3_3] = 1) then
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].delete[wMain.?]
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].assign[wMain.1d8_6]
dice = "1d8"
elseif (hero.child[wUnarmed].tagis[wMain.1d6_5] = 1) then
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].delete[wMain.?]
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].assign[wMain.1d8_6]
dice = "1d8"
elseif (hero.child[wUnarmed].tagis[wMain.1d8_6] = 1) then
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].delete[wMain.?]
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].assign[wMain.1d10_304]
dice = "1d10"
elseif (hero.child[wUnarmed].tagis[wMain.1d10_304] = 1) then
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].delete[wMain.?]
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].assign[wMain.2d6_104]
dice = "2d6"
elseif (hero.child[wUnarmed].tagis[wMain.2d6_104] = 1) then
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].delete[wMain.?]
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].assign[wMain.2d8_204]
dice = "2d8"
elseif (hero.child[wUnarmed].tagis[wMain.2d8_204] = 1) then
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].delete[wMain.?]
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].assign[wMain.2d10_205]
dice = "2d10"

field[livename].text = "Unarmed Strike (" & dice & ")"

Post Levels (Users) 5100

~ Calculate our total level
var level as number
level = field[xTotalLev].value

~ At level 3+, increase our damage to d10 if it is lower than that, and increase by one step if it is equal to or higher than that.
var result as number
var dice as string
if (level >= 3) then
if (hero.child[wUnarmed].tagis[wMain.1d6_5] = 1) then
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].delete[wMain.?]
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].assign[wMain.1d10_304]
dice = "1d10"
elseif (hero.child[wUnarmed].tagis[wMain.1d8_6] = 1) then
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].delete[wMain.?]
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].assign[wMain.1d10_304]
dice = "1d10"
elseif (hero.child[wUnarmed].tagis[wMain.1d10_304] = 1) then
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].delete[wMain.?]
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].assign[wMain.2d6_104]
dice = "2d6"
elseif (hero.child[wUnarmed].tagis[wMain.2d6_104] = 1) then
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].delete[wMain.?]
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].assign[wMain.2d8_204]
dice = "2d8"
elseif (hero.child[wUnarmed].tagis[wMain.2d8_204] = 1) then
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].delete[wMain.?]
result = hero.child[wUnarmed].assign[wMain.2d10_205]
dice = "2d10"

field[livename].text = "Unarmed Strike (" & dice & ")"

Could you give me a hint mghel?
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