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Old June 19th, 2010, 10:07 PM
Simply what I have in mind (because I'm having a hard time expressing it for some reason) is simply a shortcut to add specific characters to a the dashboard at file loading without it having to be bound to a character profile. As it stands, when you import profiles to the dashboard, it's attached to a specific character, which can be hard to remember which character it was in a game of 10+ people (such as ours).

I'll try my best to explain.

Example System: WoD
Example "Game": Sydney (current chronicle I'm running)

1) Open a game system
2) A new frame is displayed to chose "Configure a Character", "Create Game Profile" or "Open Game Profile"
3a) "Configure a Character" leads to the usual frame
3b) "Create Game Profile" opens a frame to input a name for a game, selection frame for existing profiles for "importing" and "Accept/Import"/"Cancel" buttons
3c) "Open Game Profile" opens the usual file selector to select a saved game profile
4) On the main frame, a new area on top displays the "Game Profile" (i.e. "Game Profile: Sydney"). This become the overall focus instead of the character currently displayed for saves/loads.
5) Much like the "Import Character From Portfolio" option, have the option to import to the "Game" instead, adding the character to the dashboard as per usual
6) When you save the "Game Profile", it saves which characters are on the dashboard

All other systems remain the same (character advancement, creation, saving, etc).
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