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Old October 22nd, 2012, 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by trollbill View Post
I don't know if these are bugs or I am just doing something wrong, but I recently downloaded the 3.5 data set from cheeseweazel and I am have the following problems:

I have a Lvl1 Spellthief/Lvl 4 Wizard (Conjurer) I am trying to enter into Hero Lab. I have turned on all of the non-region specific books including Unearthed Arcana.

1) My Conjurer has the Immediate Magic class variant feature from the PHB2 which swaps out the ability to get a familar with an Immediate Magic ability dependant upon your subclass. This does not appear as a class variant option under Varaints and I don't see how to turn it on.

2) She has the Wizard class variant from Unearthed Arcana (Pg 59) that gives her bonus fighter feats instead of bonus Wizard feats (including swapping out Scribe Scroll for a fighter feat). This variant does not appear on the class variant list and I can't seem to turn it on. Though oddly I see the Wizard Class variant that lets you take an animal companion instead of a familiar from the same source.

3) She has the 2nd level spell Heart of Air from the Complete Mage in her spellbook, but this does not come up as an option when I go to add spells to her spellbook in Hero Lab.

Does anyone know anything about these issues?
I can't say for certain, but my guess is these things may not have been done yet. There has been a lot of work done for the community data set, but as you can imagine, there's a ton of material to draw from so not everything is there yet. I won't be able to take a look at this until late this week or early next. I'll do so as soon as I can.

Update: Ok, took a look. These items have not been implemented. It appears none of the PHB2 variant options have been done. Unearthed Arcana was not fully implemented by LW, and some stuff was added by the community, however, this one appears to have fallen through the cracks. As for spells from Complete Mage, only spells A-B have been done.

One of the things I'm going to be doing soon is going through several sourcebooks and checking to see what is done and what is missing. I'll add these items as requested additions, but I'm still looking for contributors so it might be a while before we see any major additions.

Last edited by Sendric; October 29th, 2012 at 05:25 AM.
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