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Old August 6th, 2012, 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by ShadowChemosh View Post
So have a character with "Damage Reduction" but the value does not get displayed at the top of the sheet next to HP. Their is a box for DR but it does not show.
Yea... my sheet has always had this "limitation". I can certainly put something there, but I've never been sure how to represent DR in that tiny box. (that section is done the same way as the standard character sheet).

For example, a character might have both DR "10/Magic" and "5/Fire". Neither of those would fit in that box by itself, let alone both together.

Any suggestions? I could just put in a "Yes" and leave it to you to look up elsewhere. Or I could pick the highest DR value and just put the number there (in this example, it would just be the value "10").
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