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Old July 21st, 2012, 10:16 AM
Hello all,

I'm very new to AB, but am liking it, however, I'm a little confused as to one aspect (I'm also fairly new to WH40k, just to add).

My question is this, when I add a unit - in this case Tau Pathfinders and I want 4 of them. I then make one a leader unit, add a transport and 2 drones. Now that should be a count of 7 - 4 tau (one of which is a leader), 1 transport and 2 drones.

However, my AB shows this as 8, see pic

It doesn't do this if the unit is at max (you can see this in the above with 12 firewarriors, 1 leader unit - it reduces the warriors to 11 automatically).

I'm just confused as if AB is adding units in, my points cost is inflated, but i can't find anyway to reduce the "normal" unit count. With the pathfinders examples, you may not have less than 4 and, indeed, you can't reduce the count to less.

Hope someone can help a confused new user!

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