Thread: rolemaster
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Old June 22nd, 2012, 04:15 AM
Thanks, but I dont think I have the skill to do it. I looked into trying something like this awhile back and rapidally ran up against my level of expertise. Its just beyond me to get a new system really moving as well.

As far as I know only 1 game system has been created in HL, and that the Mondern system from Frodie.

Now I would love to see a lot more new systems created for the HL product, but the time needed to create such a stool, and the fact that there most likely isnt enough following for a specific system to warrent support, just doesnt make many projects viable. Even if you plan to use the system for an inhouse game only, the time to create and support the system would be huge.

I'm already way, way, way behind on doing demo videos for HL (due to family reasons), and I really want to work on the DragonStar system myself. This would be more of a labor of love than anything.

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