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Join Date: Jan 2011
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Old June 18th, 2012, 10:06 AM
Bootstrap the required feat to the race, and then assign a Target to that bootstrap. For example, for the Martial Weapon Proficiency in Longbow, you would bootstrap the Martial Weapon Proficiency feat to the elf, then select the Tag that is to the right (still in the bootstrap) and set that to "Target.wLongbow". You do the same thing with the Exotic Weapon Proficiency.

Out of curiousity, do these feats take up actual feat slots for the elf, or are they just bonus feats? If they are not bonus feats, you will want to add a "-2" to the field Bonus Feats on the elf (this will remove 2 feat choices that you are automatically assigning to the race so that the elf has the correct amount of feats allowed it that are not bonus feats).

Skaven, "perform hero.field[feat_tag_name].chosen.assign[Weapon_Tag_name]" only works if you have "chosen" a weapon from a list. If you don't have the option to select a weapon from a menu, then it will not assign anything, or may return an error.
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