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Old May 15th, 2012, 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by hansidm View Post
Hello all,

I have an issue with the latest AB beta when switching desktops on OS X Lion 10.7.4. I always change desktops a lot by swiping on my MacBook Pro touch pad.

When I switch out from AB's desktop and come back, I can't get AB to get my input focus again. It won't respond from point clicks, nor keyboard keys. It doesn't crash, but it won't work at all, it just sits there without responding. Also, the context menu won't work neither. The only way around is to force quit AB and restart it manually.

Is this a known issue? Thank you.
Just to write some more information... I noticed that this only happens when there are any tooltips from AB showing up. I tried to switch desktops when no tooltips are showing and the problems does not occur.
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