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Old April 26th, 2012, 01:52 AM
I realise this is a little bit 'necro' but I also have an issue with the Wolf Guard Squad that may fall under what Haarkon is getting at, so to avoid creating a double post....

I believe what he is getting at is that the entry in the SW Codex for a Wolf Guard squad it states "Any Wolf Guard model may replace....etc" essentially creating a squad of individually armed and armoured characters. However, when trying to create said squad in AB the options given apply to every single member of that squad, for example:- 5x Wolf Guard, 2x with Wolf Claws, 3x with Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield is impossible to create, it must be either 5x with Wolf Claws OR Thunder Hammer/Storm Shields.

This issue also extends to the Special (should be Heavy) Weapon option too wherein if you select the option for either Assault Cannon, Heavy Flamer or Cyclone Missile Launcher it gives this option to all members of the squad no matter the number. In the SW Codex this option only applies to a select number of squad members not all of them - "For every five models in the squad, one Wolf Guard model in Terminator Armour may chose one of the following:....."
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