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[Bug Reports] Dwarfs


New member
The army book specifies that 1-2 bolt throwers count as a single special choice, which means I can add up to 6 bolt throwers to my list. However, army builder complains after the third bolt thrower.

Thanks for your patience.
The "Rule of Pride" (no 2 items can have identical rune combos) for runes isn't applying to Runelord and Lord together (but does apply if a Thane has an identical rune item of either lords). Not sure if this is a bug or just my misunderstanding of the rule...?

edit: ahh, well I forgot Rune of Stone is the exception to the rule, maybe that confuses AB? But regardless, it appears to be working now somehow, after I mixed and matched more runes (specifically in the Runelord's and Lord's armors), even if both have the Rune of Stone. Not sure why it wasn't working properly before, but it appears to be now. =D
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Hi there I just baught your program earlier today and i gotta say its great only one little bug i have to report is the Miners prospector is only 10 points not 21
The Prospector upgrade (like all champions) costs (base price) + (upgrade price) to give a final total. Unless you are saying the total unit cost changes by more than 10pts when the upgrade is taken?
Slayer Limitations?

I pulled up Fantasy after the latest bucfix n correction patch, and now I can't takt more than one group of slayers without adding slayer heroes and/or lords. Did I miss an FAQ?
Hello, I noticed a bug on the rule royal blood. It is said that an army containing a character with royal blood allows to have a unit of additional longbeard. What has no possible for the moment.

Thank you for your excellent work!
Lord & Thane with runic great weapons

EDIT: Not a bug. I figured out what was wrong. One needs to use the Master Rune of Kraag the Grim to have a magic great weapon. Thanks.

A validation error (below) occurs if you take a lord/hero with a great weapon and add a rune to it. The 'hand weapon' check box is grayed out so it cannot be removed from the lord/hero, but it is causing a conflict.

Unit 'Dwarf Lord"': If you take a Magic Weapon, you may not use a non-magical weapon.

I'm an AB & WFB newbie, so I could just misunderstand the rules or how to use the program.
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upgrading slayers

I just started to play dwarfs so maybe I've missed something but anyways, p 56 in the army book says "upgrade any number of troll slayers to giant slayers for +15 points/model"

The bug: in army builder only one (1) model is upgraded
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Click on giant slayers stat line in the list then use the + button to increase number of giant slayers just like you would if you were increasing unit size. Vice versa use the - button to decrease giant slayers.
It seems you are unable to give Great Weapons to your Thane with Battle Standard. ( As it say in the dwarf books).

But the RuleBook's Errata say it's possible.

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