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Old March 19th, 2012, 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by LordValerius View Post
I for one, appreciate that you guys do your best to help those of us who don't have the time in our lives to dedicate to learning this scripting language....and I am sure at times, it must drive you all crazy having folks like me needing/wanting our HL to function a certain way, but don't have the skills to make it happen...

Thank you for your help. It really is appreciated.

That being said, I've done my best to incorporate the fix you have suggested, adding it in a couple different spots within the 3 eval rules for the Type-Animal in the user file and each time when compiling, getting an error indicating that "the script does not support the '@valid' special symbol so the use of validif is illegal" message.

Not sure if it is because I've added it in the wrong area of the eval script or what. There are no extra characters within the fix and I've cut/pasted it into the eval script and insured it is correct in it's format...

I'm going to take a guess here, but I think you're putting it in the wrong spot. You said "...within the 3 eval rules..". There is only 1 eval rule for Type - Animal, but there are 3 eval scripts. So, my guess is you're trying to put it in one of the scripts instead of the rule.

So, first thing is please double check that you are adding it to eval rule instead. If that doesn't work, then I might need you to send the file, or attach it here or something.

As far as "driving us crazy", I, for one, don't mind at all. I like trying to figure out these problems even though my grasp on the scripting language is tenuous at best.
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