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Old March 12th, 2012, 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
I believe that validation rule is in the Animal type that is part of the community files.What needs to be done is to go into the eval rule, and add that it should be valid if the hero has a tag stating they are a familiar or paladin's mount.
Thanks for the reply Aaron and I apologize for not being fluent in the HL scripting language....I don't speak it, but if someone were to speak it to me, I could repeat it well enough to be understood =) If you catch my meaning...

I understand that you all don't have the time to constantly do these things for those of us who are lesser in their knowledge of the scripting, but if anyone could give an example of how that particular script might look, I think those of us who need it, could run with it. I hope.

Once again, I apologize for not being a script master and I hope everyone understands.

Thank you.

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