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fallenhunter at
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Old March 8th, 2001, 07:02 PM
On 8 Mar 2001, at 10:51, Eric Landes wrote:

> At 01:40 PM 3/8/2001 -0500, Fallenhunter wrote:
> >Will have to check it out.
> >
> >
> >Be really nice, if they just came out with a native version for linux
> >(HINT HINT!). As is, I normally use it under VMWare->Win98.
> >
> >Assuming the program is written in Visual Basic, the programmers
> >might want to check out the GB project, it complies and runs VB code
> >under linux.
> Never, ever assume something's written in VB...
> I believe Rob uses Borland C++. And since it's _only_ Rob doing it, I
> wouldn't expect a native version any time soon...

Agreed, but as Visual Basic is about the hardest to translate into
linux, thats the exuse most progammers use, even if its not written
in VB.

Borland make is all the easier, Borland C++ is even better supported
under Linux. As is just about any C(++) (yes, Even MS Visual C)

I can understand that its a pain to support a differant platform. But
it might be worth it for him to take on someone who can suppot that
platform for him.

Might not even have to pay the guy anything really (say 10-20% of the
linux sales or something instead of a upfront salary).

The more ideas, and suggestions we give him, the more likely he will
find one he likes.

*crosses fingers and hopes*

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Overheard at a bar in the Corbia sector.
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