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Old February 16th, 2012, 07:54 AM
Alright, I'll see what I can come up with. I've read through the wiki but it doesn't have as much info as one might want for getting started; it helped with the basics like terminology and data topology but didn't really get into anything specific for the d20 data set (which makes sense for the author kit wiki).

I've spent several months neck-deep in the RPGXplorer source code trying to wrangle some performance improvements out of it, but when I came across Hero Lab and their evaluation engine in the data files I decided that even if I made it lightning-fast it would still take a back seat to a tool like Hero Lab.

The good news is that I have very large xml data files that are community-contributed. I'd like to pick the low-hanging fruit first and add in everything that is fairly simple (feats, spells, etc) with a custom ETL process and then get into the more complex cases.

Has anyone ever dumped the entire set of Things and documented what they are? If not I'll need to do something like that to avoid creating duplicate things. Call it the d20 Genome Project if you like.
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