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Old November 20th, 2011, 10:01 AM
I have a query regarding the Black Templars Assault Squads.

The Codex allows the following...

Up to two Initiates can exchange their bolt pistol for a plasma pistol at +5 points or a flamer at +6 points. One Initiate may exchange his close combat weapon with a power weapon for +10 points or a power fist for +15 points.
What I'd like to do is arm one of my Initiates with both a plasma pistol and power weapon. However, I am unable to apply both of these choices to the same Initiate.

Is this an issue with the data file, or is that the way the Codex is intended to work?

I realise that I'm able to apply the two choices seperately to individual troops to ensure the points cost is correct, and field my figure with the plasma pistol and power sword. But I'm concerned (am I really concerned? It's only a game!!) that I may be using illegal weapon choices.
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