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Old November 7th, 2011, 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by Stormwarden View Post
The Arcane Pool of a Bladebound Magus is not being calculated correctly. I created a 1st level magus, gave him 18 int and the bladebound archtype and he had 5 arcane pool points. When I leveled him to 5th his arcane pool had dropped to 4.

A magus without the bladebound archetype displays the correct pool amount.
Originally Posted by B0sh1 View Post
Also confirmed on my 4th level build. I went to 18 int when I hit 4th level so I should have 1/3 my level (4) min of 1 plus 4 from int for a total of 5.
I've confirmed this myself, a level 8 Bladebound Magus with 17 int only has Arcane Pool uses 3/day. The arcane pool should have points equal to 1/3 the magus level (with a minimum 1) plus Int mod.

Last edited by chaos_co; November 7th, 2011 at 10:50 PM.
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