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Old October 24th, 2011, 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by DMayhew469 View Post
I am getting the following error when opening all of portfolios now.

Errors were encountered when loading the saved portfolio! A record of these errors can be found in the file "C:\Users\david\AppData\Local\Temp\hero_lab_load_i ssues.log". If you notice incorrect behaviors in your portfolio, please report it to the data file authors (you can contact them from the Help menu).

Critical information not found in data files: Source 'H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth'
I can confirm that. It started happening to me right after I updated my data through the DDIdownloader two days ago. I fixed the issue by recreating my character from the ground up (basically making a new character). Once I did that I no longer got the error message. However it was a pain in the rear because I had a bunch of Story Awards listed under the RPGA tab.

In addition I have started to experience another issue when I go to the Magic Items tab and try to add an item the list will not let me search or scroll. As soon as I attempt to do either the program freezes up and I have to shut it down. Again, none of this started happening until the other day after I used the DDIdownloader. It should also be noted that while using the DDIdownloader it experienced a couple errors while trying to download. I selected the option to try and download the missing info again but it failed repeatedly so eventually I skipped it. Since it had those download errors I used DDIdownloader to update my files again last night and the exact same errors occurred at the exact same spot in the download sequence. Lastly, a friend of mine followed my lead and is having the exact same issues I am describing above. So I know it has nothing to do with my PC. I suspect all of this has something to do with consistent error being received while trying to update my data using DDIdownloader.

Please help.
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