Thread: Softwar Piracy
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Old September 27th, 2011, 05:20 PM
You know what guy's this is such a great program, its saved me hours of paperwork and it does a terrific job, I have a computer at home, a computer in each of my 2 office locations and a laptop and an Ipad, the initial licence was really not very costly for such a useful bit of software and having to pay 10bucks for an extra licence is frankly not an issue as far as I am concerned, compared to many other very costly bits of software I personally think AB is great value for money, and further I think we should all buy those extra licences because if we were to all pirate it, there would no longer be a lone wolf and the moste useful bit of hobby software I own would cease to exist, so please when getting bent out of shape about licence costs remember the guys at lone wolf have to feed themselves too and that probably takes a lot of extension licences to acheive.

Keep up the awsome job Colen
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