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Old September 4th, 2011, 09:33 AM
I had a similar problem, mostly because HL puts the manual in a different place than the application (which I find really weird). I've got a small SSD drive (C) and a large normal drive (D), and I install all my games and such on the D because I don't want WoW eating up all of my SSD. But HL, even when installed on D puts *some* of the manuals on C in the C:\ProgramData directory. I bring up the Hero Lab User Manual and it's in:
D:\Games\Hero Lab\docs\manual\hpmanual.htm
as I would expect. *That* file, however, has links that are broken. I'm using Pathfinder, and the link to the Pathfinder Role Playing Game Manual is
D:\Games\Hero Lab\data\pathfinder\pathfindermanual.htm
but on Windows 7 HL has annoyingly installed it on my SSD drive instead in
C:\ProgramData\Hero Lab\data\pathfinder\pathfindermanual.htm
Note that when I launch the manual from HeroLabs menu via Help-Pathfinder Role Playing Game Manual it seems to find the right place. So it looks like the issue is just that hpmanual.htm is busted. It may need to be different for win7 than older versions if HL is putting the data in different places on different OSs
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