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Old August 11th, 2011, 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Kizan View Post
Thanx Paris!

I think I was looking for a spot that was just "this is how much money the PC has in their pocket". I guess that doesn't exist. Seems like it should.


It's a bit of a change in thinking. In most character generators, equipment is just added without any real accounting on the intake side. Hero Lab is designed to account for each session (or even each encounter if you want to get that granular) via the Journal section. This takes a little getting used to, but in the end it's a big step forward because you can go back to each entry and look up how much money and XP you made from each encounter. This allows you to easily tell the forgetful guy who didn't write something down, or the absent guy who the GM ran last week how much money and XP they should be adding.

It's especially great for GMs, because it helps them be able to check up and catch any "mistakes" that players may have made on a session by session basis (we've all had "that player" in a game who manages to somehow afford more stuff than everyone else).
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