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Old July 19th, 2011, 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by Batei View Post
What is behind the scenes for Hero Lab? In other words, what program or skills are helpful to have/know?
I work in Mutants and Masterminds data files, but I'm pretty sure that Savage Worlds also lets you have full access to the editor from the demo, so it's not too difficult to mess around with it on your own. There's even a tutorial for editing most of the gaming systems.

Otherwise, it's pretty much your basic scripting language with nicer ways to handle the more common tasks like setting the cost of something, or its name or description.

95% of the system is just getting the name and description in. That last 5% can get tricky, but you can do about 4% of it on your own. That 1 in 100, you need to appeal to a higher power in Lone Wolf Development for access to the correct variable or function.
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