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Nigel Fogg The Wayfarer
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Old June 24th, 2011, 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by rob View Post
At 12:25 PM 3/12/2007, you wrote:

Bags of Holding are definitely working, complete with the contents weight not being propagated upwards. However, it appears that the Handy Haversack and Efficient Quiver were overlooked as containers. That's easily fixed, so we'll get it sorted out for the next update, which is targeted for the end of this week.

Thanks for flagging these oversights to us!!!

Being a good guy I searched for references to containers and weight before posting. Hence this old thread coming back to life.

While the weight of contents isn't being carried forward (good thing) there also isn't any check that I can see going on to make sure regular sacks/bags/backpacks or their magical equivalents aren't being overloaded by pack-rat players.

Am I wrong in thinking that's wouldn't be a hard thing to have the software check? A 'disallow more items being added to the container' script once the maximum capacity of the item is reached. No?

Nigel Fogg, aka The Wayfarer
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