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Old May 9th, 2011, 06:39 PM
Possible bugs in RED:

Is there a way to transfer money to a mount? I tried putting it in a bag of holding, and then moving the bag, but that also didn't seem to work.

Some gear values seem to become incorrect after they're added to a character. Most notably with ammo (adamantine and silver arrows). It also looks like my +4 STR Masterwork Composite Longbow's value is having the STR mod cost added twice. Value should be 800, and that's what I paid using the Custom Magic Item creator, but now it reports the bow is worth 1200gp.

Buckler AC bonus still applies when wielding 2H melee weapon or 1H melee weapon in both hands

Last edited by Adam.Ormond; May 10th, 2011 at 08:04 AM.
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