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Old April 8th, 2011, 03:45 AM

if you open up the .user file as a text file, you can see how the sources are done. In the Complete Arcane user file in 1.5 dropbox, you see the following for sources:

<usesource source="CompArcane"/>
Compare this to what I'm using in the Complete Psionic files:

<usesource source="CompPsi" parent="p35" name="Complete Psionics"/>
While working on these files, I've noticed that if you select a source in the editor, it creates a line similar to the first example above. Unfortunately, if all the sources in that file are like that, then you will see things like "CompArcane" as the source in the Configuration window. Instead, if you can use a text editor (I use ConTEXT, but there are many others) you can do a search + replace to modify the sources to look more like the second example above. In this case:

<usesource source="CompArcane" parent="p35" name="Complete Arcane"/>
In general, I would recommend doing this for all your files (after you've completed them of course) so that you can be sure something like this won't happen. I also do a search of "usesource" throughout the file to make sure I didn't miss any sources, though that's mostly because I have a tendency to miss things.

Hope that helps.
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