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Old February 12th, 2011, 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by Kendall-DM View Post
I've been working with some of the more difficult feats to make work. Two of those are Extra Spell (which adds an extra spell known to a sorcerer, for instance) and Extra Slot (which adds an extra spell that can be cast per day). I see that the Adjustment tab has the ability to do this, and I looked into it and noticed that there is a piece of code I like.

spelllevel = field[pSpellLvl].value

Where does pSpellLvl come from? I can't find it anywhere.

This piece of code allows there to be a chooser menu of spell levels. Obviously, I can't use this in Feat creation, but is there something similar in creating Feats that will? Actually, it's a little more complex than that, I would like to be able to choose that spell level maximum from the spell level maximum that the class can cast (I know how to get the Class chooser menu, that's built in)?

Here's what I want to do, I want to be able to choose the class that I'm adding the feat to (that's been done) and then check against that class's maximum spell level that it can cast, and choose from those spell levels. I see that the Hero has tags for Arcane and Divine that I can count, but I have no way of knowing if that caster Class in Arcane or Divine, much less be able to differentiate between Bard/Sorcerer or Ranger/Druid spell levels, since they don't follow the same methodology. Thanks in advance.
Of course, the problem I'm seeing with this is, unlike Adjustments, I don't have a second field available to choose the spell level after choosing the Class. I can make the feat add +1 to spells known for Extra Spell at one level lower than what can be known by the caster, but it adds it to ALL the levels below the maximum spell level, sigh. Still working on it, but any help would be appreciated.
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