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Old February 4th, 2011, 01:05 AM
Was having issues with ab3.3a as well. My solution (after much internet surfing) was to install while the anti-virus was disabled. The file ab33a_install.exe was somehow creating something the anti-virus thought was a trojan which caused issues in the installation.

I'm curious if this will solve your problem, as I cannot seem to re-create the situation you have (my dwarf rune weapons are working perfectly, entire program seems to be running perfectly).

Note that I just had to disable it while it was installing, getting updates/game systems hasn't proved to be an issue with anti-virus running. I was installing the program that I downloaded from the web site, not upgrading with armybuilder.

I'm running webroot anti-virus with spy sweeper, and am caught wondering how other anti-virus programs would react to the same situation...
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