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Old February 3rd, 2011, 09:30 AM
Okay, been looking around the internet for a solution.

found this:

After clearing the temp folder, I noticed that each time I run the ab33a_install.exe file I get a warning about malware detected. Apparently my Webroot thinks this version of armybuilder is malicious.

Specifically, it says there is a "trojan-dropper.gen" created twice at:

c:\users\<my admin name>\appdata\local\temp\is-stt4h\ab33a_install.tmp

In also mentions the creation of an "atlas dmt cookie" created 3 times as:

c:\users\<my admin name>\appdata\roaming\microsoft\windows\cookies\<m y admin name>@atdmt[1].txt

and another 3 times as:

c:\users\<my admin name>\appdata\roaming\microsoft\windows\cookies\<m y admin name>@atdmt[2].txt

So I disconnected from the internet, disabled all anti-virus stuff, and ab33a_install.exe installs perfectly. Upon re-enabling the anti-virus, none of the above files were found.

PS: Apologies about being frustrated in the last post, was tired and annoyed about the lack of instant gratification with an online purchase. after sleeping, found the above solution.

Last edited by paxmiles; February 3rd, 2011 at 09:36 AM.
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