Thread: New Class
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Old January 3rd, 2011, 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by thaimletches View Post
I tried something similar to that method at first. Admittedly, I had some of the syntax wrong, and thanks for showing me the proper syntax.

The problem with that method is that I'd have to create an entry for each of the paths and I was trying to reduce the amount of code. I saw the same was essentially done the elemental bloodline but I was hoping that I could come up with some creative alternative way of doing this.

So I have x paths and each path has its own set of skills.

Would it be possible to set the custom expression to something along the lines of:

thingid.[Warrior Path ID].target

I'm not exactly sure how to reference the list as Versatile Performer uses, I believe, to grab the selected skill.

If you're interested, I've attached a pdf of the Psychic Warrior that I am working from.
Honestly that may be a bit beyond me capabilities... the elemental bloodline is kind of a sticky situation, as it requires checks at timing levels that occur before the class special is actually confirmed on the hero (at First/450). See the Sorcerer class's eval script for this:
      ~because custom class specials test their existnace at First/500, they can't run a script before then
      ~however, we need to find out what energy has been selected, so we know which set of abilities to add
      ~therefore, we make the check from the class, rather than the bloodline, and forward that tag to the hero
      if (hero.findchild[BaseCustSp,"SpecSource.cHelpSor"].field[usrChosen1].ischosen <> 0) then
        perform hero.findchild[BaseCustSp,"SpecSource.cHelpSor"].field[usrChosen1].chosen.forward[BloodEner.?]
I guess it then makes all subsequent checks for the energy resistances, etc based on the tags this eval script forwards, but I'm already a bit in the dark with that.

The prob with your custom expression is a lack of parenthesis.
thingid.skAcrobat | thingid.skKnowNobl | component.BaseSkill & Helper.SkCatCraft
resolves to 'selection must be Acrobatics, Knowledge: Nobility or any base skill, AND it must be a Craft Skill' (ie, only craft skills).
You want
thingid.skAcrobat | thingid.skKnowNobl | ( component.BaseSkill & Helper.SkCatCraft )
I believe, which should be 'Acrobatics, Knowledge: Nobility, or any base skill that is a craft skill'.

Edit - Or the above would work, as long as the things that are 'or' selections are contiguous and separate from the 'and' selections. risner's way is probably more in line with what you're trying to do; should read whole thread before I post. :3

Last edited by areteas; January 3rd, 2011 at 09:27 AM.
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