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Old December 1st, 2010, 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by Mathias View Post
What is this on? A feat? A Class ability? Have you already figured out how you're selecting the class to target (or does this target a specific class)?
I formerly built this ability using the variant mechanics, but that requires I specify the class in the variant.

I'm now building it as a set of adjustments, one for each swapped skill, and the adjustment has a selector of the class in question.

Skilled City-Dweller

Class: Any class that has one or more of the "skills replaced," as listed below, on its list of class skills.
Level: 1st.
Replaces: If you select this class feature, you do not gain the "skills replaced" as listed below.

Benefit: The skilled city-dweller gains one or more skills as class skills, at the expense of other skills. If she does not have the proper skill to lose, she cannot gain the skill it grants as an urban benefit.

Note that she need not swap out all these skills. A skilled city-dweller may pick and choose, but she cannot later change her mind.

Skilled City-Dweller

Skill Gained Skill Replaced
Gather Information Handle Animal
Knowledge (local) Knowledge (nature)
Sense Motive Survival
Tumble Ride

So I'm making 4 of these adjustments. Currently, it is just setting the "Show Menu" to Classes and I've got a script I'm trying to set.

I just looked at Animal Domain:
result = linkage[table].assign[ClassSkill.kKnowNat]

I don't know how it knows Cleric is the class in question?

Bodrin: Looked at skeleton and it does "perform hero.assign[Hero.NoSkills]" which is way too broad for me.

Code I have now:

perform field[pChosen].chosen.setfocus

~ Add our chosen skill as a class skill for this classe.
var result as number
result = linkage[table].assign[ClassSkill.kTumble]
result = linkage[table].assign[NotClassSk.kRide]

~ result = hero.delete[ClassSkill.kRide]
~ shareidentity[ClassSkill,field[pChosen].chosen]

I get "Linkage pick table not located for current context" when I try this.
I added the perform setfocus to try to set to the class chosen.

Last edited by risner; December 1st, 2010 at 04:59 AM.
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