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Old November 20th, 2010, 02:37 PM
With regards to the permanent adjustments, I just did a quick check and everything appears to be working correctly. So I'm probably not understanding the problem accurately. I'll outline what I'm doing and you can then tell me where I'm confused.

1. I go to the Personal tab and click the "Add Permanent Adjustment" option at the bottom.
2. I select "Attribute" and then click the "Add & Close" button. The new adjustment appears in the list.
3. In the droplist for the adjustment, I select Dexterity. The adjustment value defaults to zero at this point.
4. I look at the "Key Rolls" summary panels on the right and see the various traits that are based on Dexterity, along with their current values.
5. Next to the droplist, I click the right-arrow button to specify an adjustment value of "+2".
6. I look back at the "Key Rolls" summary panels and all the various traits based on Dexterity are properly adjusted.
7. If I reduce the adjustment bonus to a negative value, all the various traits are properly adjusted downwards.

So what am I missing here? It sounds like something isn't being handled properly, but I'm not seeing it.
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