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Old November 9th, 2010, 07:39 PM
Hello Everyone please sit down get comfy because I have a lot to say on this,
Let me give you a customer point of view. I have purchased Lone wolf products for nearly 10 years (maybe more, Army Builder being the first, then card vault and Hero Lab) the people behind Lone Wolf have outstanding customer support for the size of staff they have. They openly discuss and make changes to the product based on wants and needs of the people, and they work very hard to do it quickly! I have never regretted using any of the products they provide. With that said they also have outstanding character and personal virtue, and to imply that they would engage in "piracy" of any criminal act shows a lack of research on the accusers part, looking over these forums you can see how hard they work to provided and maintain an outstanding company and to promote that people are using the materials wisely. On many occasions Lone Wolf has told people to be care how they act, say and behave on their forums and that use of the programs here does not give people the right to abuse the software. Next if you have ever been to Gen Con then stopping by the Lone Wolf both would instantly allow you to meet and speak with the people behind this company and not just a salesperson looking to acquire your money, how many companies can you say that about after ten years of existence?
If you are questioning if Hero Lab is the right product you for, I will tell you that I have been using Hero Lab since its release and that would include two years of using it under 4E without problems to my DDI account, and after seeing what Hero Lab can do it has even sold several DDI accounts to people in my gaming group and others that like the look and feel of the Hero Lab program. Not only that but it allows you to use several other games systems with similar program familiarity and easy of control. Understanding that this program will give a new option that is now being taken away from the C. B. program, with its move to online only content, you would still need to maintain your DDI account if you want an up to date data stream otherwise you shall be stuck with the last download from your DDI account and then you would have to program in new material for that game system on your own, which you can always do.
Finally when you post here on the Lone Wolf Forums you will receive a response from (more than Likely) an owner of the company and not some part-time/ forum monkey with a generic answer. If you have a bug you will hear from the programmer or one of the other direct employees not someone whom is just making wage to watch and make sure the forums run. This group cares about you the customer and they work ridiculous hours making us happy, new DDI info comes out and one (Colen usually) spend untold hours making sure that the data works and download/converts properly into Hero Lab. If something goes wrong you post it and in about 24 hours he is in touch with you and working on fixing it. There is no other company working for us the gamer that does what Lone Wolf will do, if every other company had the work ethic similar to these guys they would all be tired underpaid and we would be enthusiastic because everything would be done right and if not it would be fixed right away.
I think of these guys as near family and would love to hang out with them more often than just online, they are truly hard working wonderful people that have this company and gaming at heart.
That is all I will say about this topic past the point it makes me very angry that this even needs to be discussed. You could have just posted here “Hey what do you people think of Hero Lab and the company Lone Wolf” that would have gotten you much more favorable results.

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