Thread: Features ?
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 24

Old August 9th, 2010, 11:43 PM
Hi all,
I would like to ask two questions, if there are no answeres, then I suggest them as feature requests:

1. copy a power/feat/journal entry from one character to the other.

2. have the option to move a power up/down the list. this has two reasons: the first is to enable extracting a power from alternate/linked and other powers to the main powers to to drag it into such power. second: to make the powers listed with reason and not alphabetically.

3. having the option to make a power cost 0. Explain: I would like to make a dog. the book's dog is not good enough for me. I would like to add limb to the dog, but it is mostly useless (Tail) so I want it as a 0 cost power. I also have a character using the Variable power with lasting extra and he activates several powers on himself that last long. I would like to see them calculated at the "statistical" part of the page (bonus to save, defense, attack, abilities, skills) but I dont want it to cost him points, since he uses the variable power to make them. so I want to make an array of powers that will cost nothing and will reflect his use of variable power.

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