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Lone Wolf Staff
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Old July 19th, 2010, 10:51 AM
Hi everyone,

As many of you are aware, the DC Adventures rulebook PDF is now available for purchase on the Green Ronin store. Since its release, we've had a lot of users ask us when Hero Lab will be updated to let them create and manage characters for their DC Adventures games, just like they can for Mutants & Masterminds.

Although we can't officially support DC Adventures, we have been developing a data package for the upcoming Mutants & Masterminds 3rd edition game. Releasing in a few months time, M&M 3rd edition will be fully compatible with DC Adventures.

As a result, the awesome folks at Green Ronin have given us permission to release an early version of the M&M 3rd edition data files to the public. You'll be able to purchase this beta data package starting early next month (August), and can then begin using Hero Lab with your DC Adventures games. A free demo version will also be available, so that you can "try before you buy".

Please note: as a beta version of an upcoming game system, there will likely be some rough edges in the data files when we release them. We feel that this is an acceptable compromise, since it lets us support all the DC Adventures players who are eager to start creating characters and running games with Hero Lab.

The data files will officially release with the Mutants & Masterminds 3rd edition core rulebook, when it comes out in several months time. At that point, users of the beta version will be updated to use the full M&M 3 data files.
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