Thread: Softwar Piracy
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Lone Wolf Staff
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Old June 21st, 2010, 01:54 AM
Sorry for the hassle with this. If you use the mechanism that Army Builder offers at the completion of the Reactivate License wizard, you should be back up and running within 24-48 hours. It sounds like that's not what occurred for you. If not, I need to know the details so I can find out what's going wrong with the process on our end.

The need for a secure anti-piracy solution was demonstrated many years ago, when we used a rather lax security mechanism for Army Builder. Our sales seemed significantly lower than the product's user base would indicate. So we added some logic into the product that allowed us to detect whether a given copy was licensed or pirated when our server was contacted to check for product updates. The results were stunning. It turned out that there were *four* pirated copies in use for every one licensed copy. When we switched to the new DRM with Army Builder V3, our sales more than tripled. That meant that three of every four pirated copies was being used by someone who was cheating just because they could. No wonder we were barely making ends meet as a business - everybody was using the product, but very few were actually paying for it. If we hadn't switched to the new mechanism, Army Builder 3 would never have been produced. It was a necessity due to the rampant piracy that existed.

Unfortunately, the security imposes an inconvenience on honest users such as yourself. The sad reality is that a clear majority of gamers has demonstrated a lack of honesty, as we learned years ago. If you have a business and the majority of your customer base demonstrates a general lack of honesty, you have to establish your policies accordingly and then strive to minimize the impact on those who are honest. That's what we've striven to do, but we're not always successful.

As for the availability of a crack, I think you'll find that all those references are for V1 and V2 of AB. To our knowledge, we have not yet seen a working crack for V3. If someone out there is aware of an actual working crack for V3, we'd obviously be interested in hearing about it.

Please send me the details of your efforts to get the license sorted out so that I can find out what went wrong on this end. Please give me your license number and the dates/times when you contacted support, along with info on whether you used the mechanism offered by the Reactivate License wizard within AB. Please send this info to me at helpdesk at wolflair dot com. Then we can figure out how to fix the process going forward.
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