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Old June 16th, 2010, 05:34 PM
I've noticed (not sure exactly when, or how) that there were a LOT of missing units from the protectorate list. Being either very brave, or foolish, I fired up Army Builder Creator, and did some snooping.

I discovered that there was a crucial difference between the Choir of Menoth (shows up) and Deliverers (invisible). When I clicked on a button labelled 'member', the Membership tag editor popped up, and they had different values.
the Choir's value was '!ruleset.duel', while the Deliverers' was '!ruleset.duel & !ruleset.pr_umgu'. I said to myself, that's interesting.

I deleted from the '&' on, in the deliverers' membership tag, so that it had just '!ruleset.duel' (no quotes), saved my changes, fired up army builder, and the missing unit was there!

I'm not exactly what the phrase I deleted meant, but I've got my Deliverers back, and am going to try that on a few more units!
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