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Old March 27th, 2010, 12:20 PM
In order to enter all the data for Savage Settings, we would need to enter into a separate licensing agreement for each setting, as the publishers all differs. For licensed properties, things get even more complicated, since the IP holder must also sign off and get a piece of the pie. All these different companies then have to review and approve anything we produce, which makes the process even more cumbersome. Thus far, we have not pursued the individual settings due the licensing and approvals complexities entailed.

That being said, we've made it pretty darn easy for users to add the material from most Savage Settings and supplements. The material for Deadlands Reloaded was entered by a user and is now being shared by a lots of users. A few other settings are also being worked on by users, so those will hopefully become available reasonably soon. I'm not aware of anyone working on the PotSM setting at this time, but it's quite possible someone is.

If someone is, they may be happy to share their work with you. If not, you might try your hand with the Editor to add some of the content you need yourself. Or you could always team up with someone else here on that task.
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