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kilbo98 at
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Old November 17th, 1999, 10:27 AM
> It says "Storm Bolter" in the Codex, I'm afraid, so
> it'll stay as a
> Storm Bolter until it's Q&A'd in White Dwarf. All
> other units have
> Combi-Bolters, though.

Understood and fair enough. Must have been an
'unofficial' thing I read then.

> >The space marine vet sergeant is listed as 26
> points
> >where it should be 13. I know the codex is screwy
> and
> >there is lots of debate on this one.
> There is?

In my neck of the woods.

> As far as I can see, the Scout Veteran Sergeant
> costs 26 points, not 39.
> Are you sure you didn't give him an extra 13 points
> of equipment, or
> something?

My bad. I messed up, sorry about that.

> >Also the option for having the scout sergeant
> equipped
> >with a sniper rifle is not available where it
> should
> >be. The entry states that ANY model in the squad
> may
> >exchange their weapons for a sniper rifle.
> Open the Space Marine codex and turn to the page
> just before the army
> list with the points costs for Wargear on it. Turn
> back one page, and
> look at the bottom right area of the right-hand
> page. It should be
> explained there.
> I can't even remember what it says any more, but
> it's satisfied everyone
> else who's asked.

Will do once I get home from work. Thanks. I'm new to
this so sorry for the repetition.




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